Okay, so quick thoughts on fear… Fear is this debilitating emotion that often disguises itself within us to keep us from doing the hard things. It’s fascinating and incredible, in my opinion. It takes the shape of our highest sense of reasoning, it justifies our most terrified parts, and it acts to protect us from something in our past that once hurt us. Can you really blame it? At one point in time, something hurt us, deeply, and as we move forward in our lives, fear surfaces to protect us from ever ever ever getting hurt again.
But the funny thing is that sometimes that same fear acts to protect us from things that really didn’t hurt too bad. When you think about all of things we (ourselves and our fearful selves) work to protect ourselves from, it’s things that range from physical pain (reasonable), emotional distress (that’s the worst!), and rejection (definitely sucks). But in the end, when you look back at those times, it’s fairly safe to say that - well - you survived!!
What also comes to mind is an area that I’ve never felt much fear around. That would be in the kitchen.
I want to make it very clear that this isn’t because I’m that amazing of a cook. Like any chef will tell you, all great recipes started with many trials and many errors. It certainly doesn’t hurt that I’ve received so much positive feedback in my kitchen. But! I also love to draw, and people like my drawings, but I gain no enjoyment or satisfaction from the act of drawing.
So what is it for me that keeps me continuing to try in the kitchen?
If we think about our art in light of how much it affects our survival, everything suddenly comes into perspective. I truly, honestly, literally have nothing to lose if the cookies I just baked turn out terrible. I can just make them again!
In light of that fear, I came up with a combo all my own. When I do that, it's because I know that next time I'll need to follow a recipe. I knew tomatoes and balsamic went well together (duh...caprese!), but the orange juice I wasn't so sure about. Fortunately my instincts were correct, and it was delicious.
I hope you’ll enjoy this as much as I have!
Fearless Orange-Balsamic Gazpacho
24 oz. Tomatoes, peeled and diced
1 small Yellow Squash or Zucchini, diced
1 Orange Bell Pepper, seeded and diced
1 Cup Parsley, finely chopped
1 large Cucumber, seeded and diced
1 small Red Onion, minced
6 cloves Garlic, minced
Juice from 2 Oranges, strained
1/2 Cup Balsamic Vinegar
Salt & Pepper, to taste!
Combine all ingredients, chill, and enjoy!